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Zohir (2012-08-31 09:22:30)
[ Entry]
Hehe random phasre. -RLThe other day Alex was talking about his best friend, April, and an essay he was writing about her in school. That got me thinking about a story my Uncle Arte told me about how he lost a friend, and the importance of sharing in a friendship.My Uncle Arte lost his best friend, Doug, because when they discovered the mines, Uncle Arte wanted to share the gems with everyone in Kinzville, but Doug wanted to keep all the gems to himself.Uncle Arte knew that sharing the mines would make everyone in Kinzville happy and I think that being a true friend means putting your friends’ happiness before your own personal gain. By keeping the gems to himself, Doug was saying that they were more important to him than his friends. I really like Doug – he’s my friend too, but I wish he could see that when you share something with your friends you can all enjoy it together. And that’s a lot more fun than sitting alone in your room with some old gems.Having nice things is cool, but it’s not nearly as important as the people in your life. I always think about Uncle Arte’s story when I have a new game or some candy from the W Shop and the first thing I want to do is go and find one of my friends. Because I always find that games are more fun and candy tastes better when I’m sharing. What do you think?